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Messages - adespin

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Misc / Open / Re: Any other ex dispatch riders among us?
« on: November 08, 2018, 09:24:29 AM »
WOW !!, you've been around, not many that you hav'nt worked for, what work did you change to?

Announcements / Re: Unwellness
« on: October 20, 2018, 12:56:19 PM »
Yes, i had the same problem, not a heart attack, through a routine check up it was discovered that i had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (a thickening of the heart walls), as i was a PSV driver i had to undergo various test, ultimately it's down to your cardiac consultant who will forward his assesment to the DVLA, and their medical board will assess what risk you will pose. Although they will look more favourably on a car/motorcycle licence.

Sorry to put a bit of a downer on your plight but you are on the road to recovery and that's good.

Chin Up,

Misc / Open / Re: Any other ex dispatch riders among us?
« on: October 19, 2018, 01:28:41 PM »
On one occasion, I was asked to take a package to Top Shop in Oxford Street.  It was one of those aluminium photographic cases with cosmetics in it.  Anyway, I delivered it and they refused to sign for it.  This was when the IRA were making themselves known so perhaps I can't blame them.
I kinda stiff-armed them into signing for it anyway as I had multiple drops to make and I was parked on double yellows.
About 5:00, I was trying to get home but Wigmore St, Mortimer St etc, were blocked with buses and taxis.  Very odd.
I was watching the six o'clock news and, it seems that a mysterious package was delivered Top Shop and the Bomb Squad was sent for.  Oxford St and Regent St was sealed off while a miniature tank carried out a photographic box and did a controlled explosion on it.
No questions were asked thankfully.

Maybe you should change your name from Mike the Bike to Tom the Bomb ;D

Misc / Open / Re: Any other ex dispatch riders among us?
« on: October 19, 2018, 11:16:44 AM »
Just wondering!

You started this, so what's your story ??

New Member Introductions / Re: New member from Belgium
« on: October 19, 2018, 10:18:07 AM »
Welcome to the forum Jo, lots of Honda knowlege here.

Here's another guy from Belgium giving us in Britain a taste of what it's like to ride on Belgium roads on a K2

Misc / Open / Re: Any other ex dispatch riders among us?
« on: October 19, 2018, 10:04:50 AM »
I think I can beat you youngsters as I was despatch riding just after the Stone Age. I was booted out of Thames Poly (now Greenwich Uni) in 1974 and so like everyone else big wages were the attraction.
I started by using my faithful candy gold CB250K2 and working for some mob in Swiss Cottage. Did that for a few months until I locked up the front wheel in the wet on the Embankment and was on my arse in an instant. Bike was quite damaged so I thought use somebody elses.
So I joined Mercury Despatch thrashing orange Suzuki 250s around the capital. Did that for a few months and just got fed up of all the near misses and not really getting all the money I thought I'd get.
Went off driving van sales for Lyons Cakes after that. Eat loads of just out of date cakes and got fat.

PS After nearly 2 years, I have booked an MoT for the K2 next Thursday. Don't know if it will pass as it is LOUD! I'll let you know.

Do you realise that you don't legally require an MOT for vehicles registered before 1978, unless it's for your own peace of mind.

The Swiss Cottage mob, was that Federal Express ?

Misc / Open / Re: Any other ex dispatch riders among us?
« on: October 18, 2018, 04:01:35 PM »
Did you seen how many were using CX500  ;) also known as the "Maggot" , cheers Mick.
Back in the day we called them "plastic pigs"

Misc / Open / Re: Any other ex dispatch riders among us?
« on: October 18, 2018, 03:57:51 PM »
I'm shocked, you taking advantage of those poor hard up loads-a-money yuppies ::)

Misc / Open / Re: Any other ex dispatch riders among us?
« on: October 18, 2018, 12:03:12 PM »

Have put up this vid before >>

Brilliant vid Trigger.

Misc / Open / Re: Any other ex dispatch riders among us?
« on: October 18, 2018, 11:42:16 AM »
Yes, worked for Federal Express (Fedex) based in Swiss Cottage London during the winter of 1989, froze my nuts off. I was out of work at the time, adverts in the Motor Cycle News promised wages of £500 a week so off i went, my next door neighbour was demolishing Croydon power station and offered me free digs on site. So i stayed in Croydon during the week and rode 200 miles home for the weekend on my CBR600. £500 a week back then was a fabulous wage but to earn that you had to know the area like a London cabbie, so me having to thumb my way through the London A to Z on every call i wasn't getting much over £100, on top of that i had to contend with lunatic 4 wheel drivers trying to wipe me out on every junction. So after a few months i decided enough was enough and said goodbye to the Smoke.

Announcements / Re: Unwellness
« on: October 17, 2018, 12:56:29 PM »
Sorry to hear about your condition, it's got to be everybody's dread.

Have you had the stent fitted yet ?

CB500/550 / Re: Does anyone know how many CB500s vs 400/4s were made?
« on: October 16, 2018, 01:19:15 PM »
Is that Noel Edmonds on the front cover  ;D
Dunno, had a quick glance at the tekst and discovered two names: race mechanic Dave Degens and service school manager Brian O'reilly. If needed I can scan the article for the archive.

I met Brian O'reilly back in 1973/4, my new cb750 k2 was jumping out of 3rd or 4th gear regularly when on full chat dicing with my mates, of course the rev counter needle would hit the end stop before i could react. I was concerned that this would damage the valve's or pistons, and having no faith in my local dealer and his monkeys (mechanics) i decided to take a ride up to Honda HQ, Power Rd, Chiswick. There i met with Mr O'reilly who assured me that no damage would occur as the 750 was over engineered. That was good enough for me.

Humour / Re: Passenger mecca whirling Dervish wheelie!
« on: October 16, 2018, 10:06:43 AM »
Arab rodeo ;D

« on: October 15, 2018, 11:07:45 AM »
Health & Safety, wot's that?, especially in the foundry and paint shop.

« on: October 15, 2018, 10:31:06 AM »
40 years on and how things changed, i wouldn't liked to have the job of sharpening all those drills !!

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