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Messages - pauliexjr

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CB750 / Swinging arm grease nipple
« on: May 18, 2011, 08:06:50 AM »
Hi all, just got my F2 frame and s/arm back from the powder coaters, they've managed to shear off the grease nipple in the s/arm, does anyone know what size I need as I can't find it listed anywhere.

CB750 / Re: more help please
« on: May 10, 2011, 07:34:40 AM »
Its meant to take your mind off the problem.
If humour doesn't help sorry.
I thought you could laugh at my misfortune.
Here is some relaxing music from The Enid instead.

The Enid - The Loved Ones

Eeek! Where's Leonard Cohen when you need him??

CB750 / Re: more help please
« on: May 10, 2011, 12:07:17 AM »
Steve, yes I would have to say no, but only out of a sense of social conscience, 16% would be much to greedy a pay rise to ask for what with the recession and everything.... I feel a 2% pay rise to be in line with inflation and no more than nurses get. I am not nearly as sexy as nurses either, I once dressed up in my sister's nurses uniform to prove this point. My sister is not a nurse, she just got the uniform for "marital reasons" and is embarressed to talk about it in public especially when I bring it up in a "harping on, not letting it drop ever" sort of way as she often reminds me.

I totally agree that 76p is important, I once lost 83p at the bus stop whilst fumbling for the change for the bus at the last moment. I had waited for over 18 mins for the bus to come and had all that time to get my money together for the fare, but like a complete wally I left it till the last moment.
The bus driver said in a rather uncaring way " I don't really care about your 83p either get on the bus or look for your change all day, either way I am going"
Needless to say, I had to get on the bus and leave my 83p to its own devices.

However, I just could not sleep that awfull fatefull money losing night, and first thing the next morning , having only the smallest of breakfasts consisting of a solitary halibut, and wearing my old clothes I set off down the road with the intent of finding my 83p.

Little did I realise what a bizzarre set of circumstances was going to be brought down upon me by the cruel hand of fate.
On arriving at the bus stop in our village, I immediately squatted down to look under the bench where my 83p had been known to roll the day before.
I looked and looked, imagine my surprise when I found that somebody or somepersons (probably pensioners)  had taken my 83p and swapped it for a scratched CD, a condom and some pizza not even in a bag, and given 4p change.

What sort of "fair trade" is that you may well ask, I certainly did, I felt I had been robbed.
Using my brain, I decided that the pizza was not going to keep very fresh as the sun was getting up, not having any clingfilm, I hit upon the excellent Idea of using the condom as a makeshift baggy, after I folded in the pointy corner of the pizza, it worked very well. I felt sure that a surprise piece of pizza would get me in the misses's good books, after all I had eaten the last halibut, and she had been left with only a chinese takaway for breakfast again. (and a small pie)

Totally deflated at my inability to return home with adequate funds, my attention turned to aquiring the morning paper.
They sell these at the garage, so into the garage I went.
Unfortunately, having not got 83p in my pocket, I found that even with the 4p change that the rogue pensioners had left me plus the 21p I had in a corner of my leather, I could not afford my usual morning paper, and had to settle for a cheaper paper that I was unfamiliar with, it's called the "Daily sport" and might even have motorbike racing in it I thought.

Anyways, one mission accomplished and one failed, all things considered, life might return to normal I thought as I walked home.

I was thinking about shaky burns and if he would have any luck this season, and was miles away.
I just got to the school crossing, and heard a voice shout "oy you"
I didn't think for a moment it was "Oy me", but I looked up to see who the "oy" was for, and it turned out that the "oy you" was being "oyed" by the school crossing policeman, and it was indeed "oyed" at me.

I stopped, and think I may have cursed the 83p again.

Apparently I had ripped a seam in the bum of me jeans whilst scrabbling about under the bench looking for me 83p and now had to talk to the policeman about it.

Which may or may not have gone better had he not wanted to look in my pocketsies.
He took out my tobacco and put it on the wall, that was OK, He took out my lighter and put that on the wall.
Things went wobbly when he found the pizza .
He put that on the wall.
He put the Daily sport on the wall, and at the same time informed me that things were not looking good.
I can honestly say I had not noticed that the CD the pensioners had swapped me (for my 83p) had "dont show Mum" written on it.
He put that in his own plastic bag, then put it on the wall.
"what sort of bare bummed, condomfood, dodgy CD porno paper pervert are you then?" he said.
"It was probably pensioners that did it" I answered. " They swapped me for 83p"
I might have got away with leaving it at that,
He squinted his eyes and looked at me real close and said "ear hang on, haven't I seen you on youtube dressed in a nurses uniform?"
My own sister had taken the 83p to get her own back obviously.

and how is this supposed to help with the problem i am having ???  >:( >:( >:(

Yeah, he's barking, and obviously has far too much time on his hands!  ;D

CB750 / Re: Pictures of my K4
« on: April 27, 2011, 08:39:12 AM »
Hubert your bike is a thing of beauty and exactly the reason I fell in love with the CB750 many, many years ago, cracking job!

Misc / Open / Re: motorbike insurance
« on: April 07, 2011, 01:09:21 PM »
No, you can't use motorways, but there's no problem with A roads, if you had to stick to B roads, side streets and country lanes you'd never get anywhere! :D

CB500/550 / Re: K3 Carb issue
« on: April 06, 2011, 12:08:10 PM »

  Well he seems a top bloke and 4 new rubbers are on their way to me now for 50 bucks...not bad really for re-manufactured new ones. $15 is post.
Just in case you didn't know, you will have to pay Import Duty on them, my velocity stacks cost me $85 delivered, but Her Majesty's Robbers and Crooks nicked a further 16 quid on arrival!

CB500/550 / Re: Renovation Time
« on: April 06, 2011, 10:15:54 AM »
All engine polishing finished...can put the motor back together now.

Nice shiny bits! Do you coat them with anything afterwards or just keep them polished?

Recommended Sources for Parts and Services / Velocity Stacks
« on: April 04, 2011, 12:52:47 PM »
Hi all, just received my new velocity stacks from Mike Mentges at Steel Dragon Performance in the US, a really friendly guy and great to do business with.

These cost me $85 including P&P plus another 16 quid to HMRC for importy duty.

Despite being made to order they only took two weeks, and I'm looking forward to fitting them as I think they'll look the dogs wotsits! As well as a wide range of stacks they have just started doing all aluminium air boxes which look pretty smart as well.

Anyone interested can contact Mike at

Announcements / Re: We're Back - Sorry for the Down time
« on: April 02, 2011, 08:29:23 AM »
Phew. That's a relief.

"You don't know what you've got 'til its gone..."   (who said that?)


A: Carley Simon
Ah yes, "They Paved paradise and put up a parking lot........"

Which was actually by Joni Mitchell!  ;D

Misc / Open / Re: AA to Fill Potholes
« on: April 01, 2011, 09:33:36 AM »
Today's date might not have any significance here? ;D

CB750 / Cylinder bolts
« on: March 26, 2011, 07:17:56 AM »
As the heading suggests, I'm on the lookout for a set of cylinder bolts. Checking mine and a couple are slightly bent (the cylinder was off when I bought it so it's oviously sustained some damage along the way) David Silver don't seem to list them, the only set I could find on E-bay were rusty and the guy wanted 18 quid, plus

CB750 / Re: F2 frame dimensions?
« on: March 20, 2011, 12:33:16 PM »
Thanks Pete but I'm home now so I can check it against the measurements I've taken off the tank.

CB750 / F2 frame dimensions?
« on: March 19, 2011, 08:01:31 AM »
I'm looking out for a cafe-racer style tank for my F2, I've seen one advertised but I'm away from home and can't measure my frame to see if this will fit. Can anyone tell me the frame dimensions where the tank sits, or what clearance I'd need under the tank? Cheers  :)

CB750 / Re: WOW 11K CAFE
« on: March 17, 2011, 10:53:45 AM »
Ah, that explains it. I met Paul and Barry at the workshop and thought your bike was beautiful, so I was very suprised to see it advertised for sale!

I must say their E-bay ad is somewhat misleading, at first read through it doesn't really explain that you are not bidding on that particular machine.

CB750 / Re: WOW 11K CAFE
« on: March 16, 2011, 11:36:56 AM »
OK, that's wierd.

I saw that bike in the steel about 3 weeks ago, even posted the link to Custom Cafes web-site on here, it had been built for a member on here, 'baresark' who was raving about it and apparently couldn't wait to take collection He's obviously pulled out of the purchase. ???

I personally (having seen it) think it's a stonking piece of kit, although another member took it apart as he reckoned it isn't 'special' enough.

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