Forums > CB750

Mystery problem on 750 cams

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Nurse Julie:
You don't need another gasket set Roy. If the engine hasn't been run, which it hasn't, you can use everything again.

I considered it Julie but decided to stay on the side of caution and just replace the seals and gaskets. Already caused enough mayhem for this rebuild. Plus Trig was correct about the oil feed o-rings, the 11*2.5mm standard rings are not thick enough so am fitting 10*3mm.

McCabe-Thiele (Ted):

--- Quote from: royhall on July 01, 2022, 07:55:25 AM ---After reading the above replies it makes it easier for me to enter the confession box. I refer to my earlier post in mitigation.

Me:  Forgive me Father for I have sinned.
Priest:  Which of Gods laws have you transgressed my son.
Me:  It is the holy law of SOHC father.
Priest:  Go on.
Me:  I had a senior moment and put the intake valves in the exhaust, and exhaust valves in the intake.
Priest:  (Large sigh) According to Gods law "Thou Art a f***ing Dick Head"
Me: But,but,but.
Priest:  Your penance is to spend the day stripping back to barrels and cleaning all up, then pay a forfeit of £51.35p to M&P for a holy top end gasket set.
Me:  Thank you Father I am humbled.

--- End quote ---

You have cheered me up no end with your valve confusion - I feel slightly better about my plug lead confusion now.
Don't forget the valve stem seals!

Wow Roy; genuinely feel for you, what a complete pain.

Collectively there’ll be 10s of us on the forum going, “Phew, it’s not only me then”, and presumably now feeling a bit braver to, ahem, share!

Steve, perhaps, on this male dominated Website,  a new forum is needed: “My Cock (up) is bigger than yours” ?

Hey Ho.


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