Does anyone know the diameter of the float pins used in the carbs and a supplier of new ones? I have mangled two of mine getting them out of the float hinge, they were stuck fast and nothing would get them out. In the end and after soaking them in clock cleaning fluid, the ultrasonic bath and carb cleaning spray I had to use a blowlamp very, very carefully to expand the hinge enough to pull the pins out but in so doing they were bent, twisted and scored by the
From what I can see it is a length of brass rod and doesn't appear to have a taper.
This is the worst set of carbs I have ever seen, they have been soaked in carb cleaner and been in the ultrasonic bath four times for 30 minutes each time and only now are they looking clean. I soaked the jets etc in clock cleaner for 2 hours before plunging into the ultrasonic bath. Carb bodies No 1 & No.4 are replacements as the support pins were broken.