Forums > CB500/550

Aligning the rear wheel on frame

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Thanks all for your replies! I am based in Copenhagen, Denmark, so will try and find a local guy who can help me with this.

And thanks for the string method! I will do that as well, even though it doesn’t have something to do with the uneven brake feel 😊

The brake flutter is only slightly when I am driving slow and applying the brakes. Can it be that it just needs to be seated a little but more, and will disappear over time, or should I have this taken care of?

The flutter, is it front brake?
Or rear?

If it is rear, remove wheel, and tyre,

After finding an engineer that can spin the whole thing in a lathe,

And get them to just remove enough to take care of the oval,

Sent from my SM-A546E using Tapatalk

It may wear in over time as it is little but probably not, personally i would ride it using the brake as much as possible whilst investigating a machinist


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